

Guess who's back?

Random REE!!!

Wow, it has been the longest time since i've been on here!!! So much has happened, since I last posted, which was BEFORE my first trip to Halifax back in APRIL!!!

Ok well first thing is first...HALIFAX was freaking legendary, so many things went down it was insane. We drank pretty much every night once we finally arrived!! That's right there's even a story before we get there. We got stuck at a Canadian Tire in Quebec City for 15.5 hrs!!! It's the longest time i've ever spent at a CT, i even started to think the guy who was helping us out was looking good (which apparently he was not) my bad!

Other crap that went down was random hotel stories, meeting lots of people, and good awesome times! Fell in love with it sooo much, my boo and i ended up going back in August for a second trip...thats right ROUND TWO! it was pretty much as awesome as the first trip.

This past summer was probably one my best summers yet, live with two awesome dudes, who pretty much make me laugh everytime i think of the times we spend together. They were also from the East coast, and miners...so it was all love, and drinking haha. The one guy almost never had pants on, and the other liked to get naked alot...it made for very interesting times.

Well, I could stay here and bore you with all my stories from the summer, but instead i will bored you with my recent stories...which involve a lot of drinking and back to school. This year to start off, the boo and I made an oath to not drink as much this school year, and only drink on special occasions...yeah that went down the train!!! We're back, and better than ever!! Although, i'm pretty sure this past weekend was the first weekend i've made it out to the bar in the last month. every other time i've drank i've always ended up staying in or not making it out hahah...too much fun!!!

But this weekend definitely got me out to the bars...it was the 9th annual putt & sweep spiel at the Sudbury Curling Club...i know...that's right...a spiel! Here's the story, about a month ago, Gates asks me if I want to be on a team for a spiel...i ask why me? she answers..well my team doesn't care who they are as long as they can drink...so i come to mind! haha It actually ended up being a really fun weekend though!!! We probably drank wayy to much, but had ALOT of fun!!! and now everytime i hear the song Independent Women i think of TEAM BUSH!!!

Oh and don't be mistaken...we were a mixed team...two boys, two girls...thats why it all makes me laugh. We had Brutal Bruley, BadAss Birtch (or pukey Birtch), Gassy Gates and myself Reject Ree...it was pretty hilarious. My first spiel and we get our picture taken by the paper...too funny! I don't curl or golf, yet im in this tournament...meh good times.

There is definitely not enough time for me to write all of the things that have went down in the last 6 months...so instead im just going to stay on top of this now.

So stay tuned for more stories and more theories from RANDOM ree.

On that note there is a new THEORY: Fun spiels are the new thing! After an excellent weekend with cool people, i definitely recommend that more people sign up for them! And after this weekend, I can never diss curling as much as I have in the past.

Some might say that i'm closet curler, others might comment that hell has officially frozen over...but regardless...i'm random ree...anything can change!


meet me at the club, respect big pimpin

it seems as though its been forever since i wrote on here...maybe because its been a couple days, and so much has been randomly said which i wish i could remember all of the brilliance that came out of my mouth...but unfortnately not...:(

the good news is that we leave for Hali in four days...woop woop!!! Its so exciting to think we're finally going to get out of Sudbury for at least 10 days...for those of you who have to stay on the rock...im sorry...muahahahah!! not!!

soo many plans for the halifax trip...firstly we're going to be hitting the bottle ALOT!!! we're staying in a hostel now for the most part which is freakin awesome!!! hopefully we meet lots of awesome people, which we should considering its in halifax and alot of people on the east coast are awesome and laid back...my favourite type of people...

when we get back though, watch out for a crazy wild summa!! soo many parties to have and so little time it seems. The pirate party is the most anticipated party in my mind...and keeps getting better and better each time we mention it...walk to plank, and what do you get when you mix a mini inflatable pool and jello? awesomeness thats what!!!

ok well i should get back to this thing i call work...such a long day today...gah! haha...

blog it!!!


Poon out cards

in life we are given choices, and cards to play...but in the game of being awesome...you only have one poon out card!!! this might seem very random to some...but if you read in other blogs what "to poon out" means you would know.

anyway, i just got back from an awesome time with the lady friends at timmies...i love ma girls...and life in general...but being awesome does that to a person.

only one...ONE week until halifax...next week this time...we'll be on the road to gloriousness!!! There are alot of things that we're going to do in halifax that are going to be lifetime memories...like meeting our buddy Big Ardi...you will probably hear alot about him...he's one wild son of a bitch...but we only hang out with crazy poeple anyway...or if you ask some, you will go wild once hanging out with us...cuz in order to understand us, and our randomness you gotta keep up with our ADD, Awesome Drunk Dolls...hahhaa we are anything but dolls...but lets just say this will work...

speaking of being drunk and awesome...ok so last night we were at the curling club once again...brah!! hahaha...it was actually a hilarious evening though...old people are so funny, and drunk people...and once you join them it gets that much better!!! All im saying, is that im slowly on the verge of jumping on the fun spiel band wagon...i can not believe i just said that...but i was told tonight i dont have to be able to see the other end of the rink...so im good to go!!! much like many of the people last night!!! hilarious!!!

anyway i should go...im sooo freaking exhausted...
blog it!!!


dating shows...

I find it sooo hilarious that some people actually think that they are going to meet their true love through a dating show...seriously...thousands of people send in video tapes, a pannel of complete randoms pick through them for you based on the piece of paper that says you enjoy pizza, and hockey on saturday nights and long walks on the beach. don't get my wrong, im a sucker for horrible televisions, its definitely my guilty pleasure but it just makes me laugh...

same with online dating...just seems soo bizarre. and i dont think that it actually works...NEW THEORY...but we'll get to that later. My friend signed me up on an online dating site once...and it was just kind of creepy. Complete randoms go online, pick through profiles, and than decide to msg you or not. I mean i could creep on anyone from anywhere, from any age bracket...sooo disturbing to think about it. Plus the only people that would contact you are the ones looking for sex...hello if you want that go to the bar and look for the girl dancing on the table with the shirt she wears as a dress....oh the naughty pumpkin haha. But really...the people who sign themselves up on these sites are clearly looking for more than a fling, and want something more...plus there's no initial chemistry...so although you two may be able to transfer awesome e-mails back and fourth...doesnt mean it will be as good in person...

Really this rant was going no where...no real purpose, i was just online, and saw an AD for a new dating show, and thought...geesh. I would go on one for the clear humour of it all, i mean you'd get your 15 mins of fame and life would be great? Here's a thought...if you could have 15 mins of fame would you? And if so, what would you want to come from? Survivor, saving a cat in a tree, being a whore with a sex tape on You tube?...hahhaa

Ok well i guess i should get back to watching horrible TV.

nine days till Halifax becomes a shit show...and if anyone reads this and is from Hali...could you worn them for us, cuz they havent seen nothing yet!!


curling and drinking = messy night

Gah...soo full...

just got back from a tummy filling meal from Respects for our girl Jekka's bday...

so last night we went curling...and drinking...i think more drinking than curling though...bad news bears...ugh i've talked to most people to apologize for anything i may or may not have said...eek...my bad...dont trust ree when alcohol is put into me...

all in all though it was a pretty legendary night...enjoyed by all the sober and the drunks loved it even more...my team was filled with three of my closest friends who are all hot as well...go girls!! Cheese, CQ and Boo (oh the ABC theory once again)...anyway we did lose though...which sucked...but we didnt care...we werent there to be competitive it was just for a good time. although in our defense the boys had one extra man...plus they had more sober players haha...

oh we searched to see what you call a hot older man...call em a STEAK...and you can have the steak well done (which im assuming would be REAL old)...and than it goes from there you know the drill...

and before i forget gotta let you know about the noise proofing yourself...boo and i did some research and after the results were in, it went down like this. most humans noise proof themselves once we turn over the age of 75...

well i believe that is all for now...i gotta catch up on some Z's...cuz i got one more zammer...plus work...but than only ten days til the girlies take over HALI!!

blog it!




This just in...we saw the muffin man...have you met the muffin man? we do!!
that doesnt make sense to you...but it does to us...so no questions...

Anyway...at this moment right now...the boo and i are predrinking some vodka for our big curling game tonight!!! T-minus 3 hrs...its going to be legendary...
actually whats legendary is drinking in my bedroom haha...we're hiding from my roomies mom...even though we are well of age...it just doesnt seem right!!

if are what you say you are...superstar

So today is the day...the day that girls take on boys and kick there asses in curling!! Do not mistake me for a hardcore curler...cuz i am not by any means, but one of my best friends loves it...and so we're doing it for her...that shows how much we love her!! Plus that proves that i am not a pooner...

Speaking of pooners if you dont know what it is here is a defination-to give up, not try, or be a loser...for example...you POON out if you're partying and than all of sudden decide to stop...this is when you would be called a POONER...and pooners are for dirty spoons who like dirty spooners, and dirty poonany!

Ok here's a random thought...what do you call an old hot man...women get the old cougar...but what do we women call the men? Gates you may not answer this question as i know you will answer with "cougar, i like that one" lol...AHH wait i just thought of a name for them...we will call him Hugh Hefner!!! He is the man who created playboy...this is very suiting for the hot old men. Bedonk bedonk!!
By the way, the condom pic i thought was suiting because well i started to talk about Hugh Hefner and playboys...don't question it...just enjoy it...hahah cuz i know the condom man is enjoying it...

Well i should get back to work for now...but if something random comes up today i will write about it...


xoxo ree!